Wednesday 4 November 2009

It’s your vote. Use it to vote for a Referendum on Europe

So now all three English Westminster Parties have broken their promise to hold a referendum on the Lisbon Treaty. Both Labour and the Liberal Democrats promised a referendum in the 2005 General Election manifestos, but were quick to renege on that promise once that election was over.

David Cameron made a "cast-iron guarantee" to the public in 2007 on behalf of the Tory party, that he would hold a referendum on the treaty. Today he has broken this promise, saying only that if Europe tries to amend the constitution again, he might then give the people a referendum. A stern “don’t do it again “ from Mr Flip Flop. Yet another policy of appeasement on Europe from the Tory Party, just like David Cameron’s predecessor Neville Chamberlain.

Is it any wonder people are sick to death of politicians who time after time break their promises and focus only on lining the pockets of themselves and their friends? Unlike the Green Party, Conservatives, Labour and Liberals all rely on “donations” from big business to survive. No wonder then that they support a European Union set up to bring even bigger profits to the multi-national companies. Many local jobs have gone in the UK, as manufacturing and now service jobs are being exported to cheaper parts of Europe and the rest of the world. The City of London, once touted as the saviour of the British economy has had to be bailed out by the British taxpayer, leaving us with higher taxes for years to come.

Despite claims to the contrary, the EU is a fundamentally un-Green institution. Even if we ignore the millions of pounds wasted on flying powerless politicians and European bureaucrats around Europe, we have further billions wasted on inefficient European Common Policies. In particular the Common Agricultural Policy, which subsidises meat production, a major source of greenhouse gases and which undermines Fair Trade in the developing world. The EU spends far more on supporting a cow in Europe, than it does in supporting a human life in Africa.

The EU encourages large supermarket chains to sell brands on a European wide basis, undermining local production. We should be switching back to local production of food and local production of consumer goods, to bring useful jobs back into the UK. Similarly instead of European wide monopolies of water, electricity and gas, who declare that big power stations (including nuclear power) are the only solution, we should be encouraging everyone in this country to generate their own power through solar panels, windmills and underground heat pumps. Even the Americans, under Barak Obama, are offering US citizens $25,000 to do just that.

If you voted Conservative, Labour or Liberal Democrat in the last General Election, please make up your mind now to not vote for them at the next General Election. If you care about your country and the environment and want a referendum on Europe, then you should vote for the Green Party.

But even if you cannot bring yourself to support the radical and sensible solutions of the Green Party, please do not just stay at home. Make sure you vote for someone, anyone, who will allow you a say on our future in Europe. And that means voting against the cock sure Tories as well as punishing the liars in the Labour Party and the Liberal Democrats.

Wednesday 14 October 2009

Crocodile Tears over Afghanistan

Self-appointed Prime Minister Gordon Brown revealed his hypocrisy yesterday, by shedding crocodile tears at the opening of Parliament for the 37 UK service personnel killed in Afghanistan during the Parliamentary summer recess. Crocodile tears because Brown could and should have stopped these deaths by withdrawing British troops. Whilst MPs took their 3 months holiday, spending the remains of their expenses cash before it is rolled into new pay rises, 37 more British people died in this aimless war.

Meanwhile, have you noticed that the BBC and other Government propaganda outlets have stopped issuing the names of service personnel when they are killed in Afghanistan? The BBC News barely reports the increasing number of deaths as they happen, let alone admits that each soldier killed has a name and a family.

Predictably the self-appointed Prime Minister Gordon Brown has crumbled yet again under US pressure and agreed to increase further the number of British troops in Afghanistan. This is in addition to the extra 150 troops who were “temporarily” brought in as reinforcements to cover during the presidential elections over the summer and will continue to be available for further “temporary” deployments. Luckily, Brown has a new policy for the troops: for them to be kept in a “greater concentration” of forces in central Helmand province, just to make it easier for the Taliban to find them. Perhaps they will be called “concentration camps”?

Meanwhile the architect of this decade’s British military disasters, Tony Blair, has once again been condemned as a murderer by families of service personnel killed and injured in Iraq. Many of those attending the official enquiry (i.e. cover up) into the Iraq war, squarely put the blame on Blair. The Liberal Democrats at their conference joined the Green Party in suggesting that Blair was complicit in the torture of terrorist suspects. Despite all this, the “never take no for an answer” European Bureaucrats, who are foisting the Lisbon Treaty on us (against the wishes of the majority of British people), are still suggesting that “Killer” Blair should be the first “President” of Europe.

In some ways, it would be appropriate that un-elected President of an un-elected European super state should be the bastard Blair. Perhaps we could arrange for his coronation to include a ride in an open top car through Sarajevo ….?!

The good news is that the Czech President, Vaclav Klaus, is refusing to sign the Lisbon treaty. If only we can persuade him to hold out until a British General Election, just to make David Cameron and the Tories sweat over the possibility that they will be made to keep their promise to the British people for a referendum on the Lisbon Treaty.

Thursday 17 September 2009

US Star Wars out of UK

Reports today suggest that the US is to abandon its plan to develop a missile defence system in Poland and the Czech Republic (Wall Street Journal). This system uses early warning and X band radar to guide interceptor missiles to destroy enemy missiles. It is part of the Reagan inspired “Star Wars” programme that was specifically banned under non-proliferation treaties.

The Journal said the Polish and Czech proposals would be dropped because Iran's long-range missile plans were less advanced than predicted.

However, in November 2008 Russia moved its own ballistic missiles to Kaliningrad, between NATO member states Lithuania and Poland and Russian President Medvedev suggested that Russia would jam the US anti-missile system electronically.

We in Britain should follow Russia’s example in standing up to the USA. We have suffered military occupation by the USA for more than 65 years and it is time it was ended. The US came to support the British fight against Hitler in WWII and never left. Here in North Yorkshire the US bases at Fylingdales and Menwith Hill are both part of the “Star Wars” defence shield. An illegal shield designed to defend the USA, not Britain.

For far too long, successive British Governments, particularly under that fawning lapdog Tony Blair, have danced to the American tune, without question and without pride in our country's independence. Now is the time to declare UDI, send the US occupying forces home and develop the promised “ethical” foreign policy based on peace and reconciliation with the rest of the world.

Leslie Rowe

Wednesday 16 September 2009

What is good for the climate is good for health

One news item the Ministry of Truth (aka the BBC) is not headlining today, is the call by medical chiefs in the UK, Ireland and around the world for doctors to put pressure on politicians meeting in Copenhagen in December to secure a new global deal on cutting emissions (source

The heads of the Royal Colleges said doctors should demand world leaders listen to the scientific evidence of climate change and implement strategies to tackle emissions that will benefit the health of people around the globe.

A failure to negotiate a strong deal will have "catastrophic" results, with those in poorest countries hit hardest by the impacts on health of drought and pressure on water resources, storms, floods and conflict.

But, "what's good for the climate is good for health", the editorial by Lord Michael Jay of medical charity Merlin and Professor Michael Marmot, director of the International Institute for Society and Health, said "The measures needed to combat climate change coincide with those needed to ensure a healthier population and reduce the burden on health services."

"A low carbon economy will mean less pollution. A low carbon diet - especially eating less meat - and more exercise will mean less cancer, obesity, diabetes and heart disease."

A successful outcome at Copenhagen "is vital for our future as a species and for our civilisation", whilst failure to agree radical reductions in emissions would spell "a global health catastrophe", they warned.

Dr Fiona Godlee, editor in chief of the BMJ, said: "Politicians may be scared to push for radical reductions in emissions because some of the necessary changes to the way we live won't please voters.” I think she under estimates the concerns of voters, but she continues:

"Doctors are under no such constraint. On the contrary we have a responsibility as health professionals to warn people how bad things are likely to get if we don't act now. The good news is that we have a positive message - that what is good for the climate is good for health."

Nuf said!

Leslie Rowe 16/9/09

Tuesday 15 September 2009

Tragic Death of Soldier down played

Patrick Swayze died yesterday, as did Keith Floyd. Patrick was 57 (same age as me) and Keith 65. Both were celebrities, had full & interesting lives & died from natural causes, albeit prematurely. Their deaths were extensively reported on BBC TV & radio. Compare and contrast the BBC coverage of the latest soldier to die in Afghanistan yesterday. An announcement was made in the midday news, but without the name of the soldier. The afternoon “PM” programme on BBC radio 4 had dropped this news, the lead being once again Mandelson and his attempts to soften us up for big Government spending cuts.

Even before these spending cuts, British soldiers are still being sent to Afghanistan to fight an unwinnable war without the proper equipment to protect themselves or the helicopters to move around safely. The British Government is deliberately down playing the continuing daily death toll through their official propaganda machine, the BBC.

So the death of an aging American actor and a British cook from natural causes is headline news. But for the BBC, the murder of a young British soldier, his life tragically cut short by the misguided policies of this shameless, undemocratic British Labour Government is not. Go figure.

Monday 14 September 2009

Tripe for Today

Once again I have woefully neglected my blog, but this morning I decided that I will update daily with my thoughts, so incensed was I with yet another facile report from the BBC Radio 4 "Today" programme.

The BBC were interviewing Peter Mandelson & were as usual allowing his particular brand of verbal diarrhoea to pollute our airways. Not once did they ask the obvious question: “who elected you, Mandelson?”

Mandelson has called for the former directors of Rover MG to be banned from being directors for taking advantage of the gravy train Mandelson's Labour Government handed to them on a plate. This from a Government minister who not once, but twice had to resign in disgrace. This from a former EU commissioner who spent his time wining & dining European millionaires, including General Gadaffi's son, just before the Lockerbie killer was released.

None of this was put to Mandelson by the Today programme. They just happily traded speculation about which lies Labour and the Tories would trot out to justify their public service cuts after the next general election. The “Today” programme is not a news programme, it is a vehicle for establishment propaganda, speculation and tittle tattle.

Saturday 13 June 2009

Thank You Patrick

Patrick has reminded me that I have woefully neglected my blog, so please find below some of the articles I forgot to put here: with my apologies!

Leslie Rowe